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International Small Box from $15

International Small Box from $15

Small products that fit in a Small Box can be shipped at $25 per Small Box or at a discount rate of $15 for orders over $100. You can find Small Box items in this category or by the Small Box icon next to each product on the catalog. In order to ship in a Small Box your shopping cart must have Small Box items only when you checkout. Small Box is a Guaranteed-only shipping, with tracking, insurance and our DrCousensGlobal warranty. Total order of $75 -- $100 may be received in your country without VAT or Sales Tax, subject to your country tax rules.

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  • Shilajit (500 mg), 60 Capsules

    A natural mineral rich substance with life giving power.

    Shilajit is a rare tonic "herbal" substance collected by local inhabitants in the south-western Himalayas and as far north as the northern Heaven Mountains. It has been used for thousands of years as a panacea and anti-aging tonic. Shilajit is regarded by many master herbalists as the most important natural tonic substance of Ayurveda (the traditional Indian health care system). In Sanskrit, Shilajit means "conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness."

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